24 Haziran 2019 Pazartesi


every 1.30 for 6 rounds 2-2-2-1-1-1 reps of strict press
(start from %80 and work up to %90+ of your 1RM)

WOD: For time

cash in: 50 kettlebell swing (55/35)

then for time

12 hang power snatch (45/25)
8   dumbbell front rack lunge (45/35)

9     hang power snatch (50/30)
16   dumbbell front rack lunge (45/35)

6   hang power snatch (55/35)
24 dumbbell front rack lunge (45/35)

3   hang power snatch (60/40)
32 dumbbell front rack lunge (45/35)

cash out: 50 sit-up

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