26 Ocak 2019 Cumartesi

Strength: EMOM 12 min.

Min 1: 2-3 man maker
Min 2: 6-10 strict dips
Min 3: 10-12 dumbbell front rack lunge


A) 7 minutes time cap.

80 dumbbell snatch (45/35) for time
*every minute starts with 10 seconds dead hang hold

rest 2 minutes

B) 6 minutes time cap.

80 kettlebell swing (55/35) for time
*every minute starts with 10 seconds goblet squat hold

Core/Conditioning: EMOM 9 min.

Min 1: 15-20 sit-up
Min 2: max rep double under/ max rep double under attempt in 45 seconds
Min 3: 20 seconds hollow hold

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