7 Nisan 2015 Salı

Strength: Front Squat

EMOM: 9 Min.

12 Reps Front Squat with %50 of 1RM
10 Reps Front Squat with %60 of 1RM
6   Reps Front Squat with %70 of 1RM
4   Reps Front Squat with %80 of 1RM
2   Reps Front Squat with %90 of 1RM
4   Reps Front Squat with %80 of 1RM
6   Reps Front Squat with %70 of 1RM
10 Reps Front Squat with %60 of 1RM
12 Reps Front Squat with %50 of 1RM

WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps of

Power Cleans (55/35)
Hand Release Push ups

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